8 Ways to Minimize Stress in Your Day-To-Day Life.


Whew! Mama, take 5… you deserve it! They are driving you crazy aren’t they? The kids, the husband… even the dog has you fleeing the room looking for just a teeny tiny moment of peace.

I hear you! This happens to me all the time. I get overwhelmed, over touched, over stimulated and completely fed up with the whole scene. I’ve got your back. This is why I wrote this blog - we all need to escape every now and then, even when we can’t really leave our space.

The following 8 tips will help you find your zen, give you peace in the moment and help you to relax - even in the most stressful moments. So if you have had a tough week or just need a few minutes to yourself, check them out!

1. Don’t be afraid to leave the room.

Mama, you don’t have to be right there every single second. It is ok to take a few minutes for yourself. Make sure your kiddos are all safe and sound and then take a few minutes for yourself. Go into your bedroom and just sit for a second, scream into the pillow or just stare at the wall. You can be “off” for a few minutes without the entire world catching fire.

2. Scent therapy is therapy.

Have you ever walked into a room and just felt good? Like suddenly all the worries in the world have faded away and you are floating on a blissful cloud of sunshine and happy thoughts? You know what did that? Scent did that!! Scent is a powerful sense that can shock your core and transport you to serenity. We want to create that blissful mini vacation by adding relaxing lavender to our spaces. Lavender helps the mind and body relax. Lavender oil can make a room feel luxurious. Phenomenal - French Lavender Essential Oil – Terre Bleu

3. Drink the tea - Decaffeinated actually!

Did you know that decaffeinated tea can be very beneficial? Your body needs more water and decaf tea counts as water! The beauty of this is that it is easy to flavor and provides your body with the calming warm embrace that it needs during stressful times. Your body will thank you! Here is my favourite herbal tea to help me get through the stress - Yogi Tea, Stress Support, Sweet Clementine, Caffeine Free, 16 Tea Bags, 1.12 oz (32 g) (iherb.com)

4. Blast that Music!!

There aren't too many things in this world that aren’t cured by blasting some music and just moving to the music. Trust me, your kiddos will LOVE it. It doesn’t matter what the music genre it is as long as you love it. Get up, shake that booty and stop worrying about life for a few minutes! The blast of oxytocin will help you out! Here is why we LOVE music to help us stress less - Benefits of Music on Body, Mind, Relationships & More (healthline.com)

5. Bring in nature! Eat the GOOD STUFF!

Our bodies need fuel! Real fuel that comes from eating healthy. Find a way to incorporate healthy servings of fruits, vegetables, proteins and carbs into your diet every day. Yes, you need carbs!!! Try something delicious like steel cut oats mixed with fresh berries and natural honey! Here is my favourite local honey - Fennario Honey – Terre Bleu

6. Plan a trip or mini vacation with the girls!

Looking forward to an event is a great way to help work our way through the daily stresses that life brings! Picturing your vacation in your mind helps you see what you are working towards. Engaging in an activity that fuels our friendships and spirits is even better. A yoga retreat might be exactly what the doctor ordered!

7. Get cozy!

Sometimes we just need a little down time! Grab your cozy pjs and all the blankets and settle on the couch and into a good movie. Create an even bigger hit with your kids and craft a makeshift blanket fort out of the kitchen chairs! Get all cozy, snuggle in deep and just exist in the moment. Trust me Momma, everything else can wait! Need some ideas, check out this blog! How to Make a Blanket Fort and Clever Blanket Fort Ideas (realsimple.com)

8. Be Gentle with yourself!!!

This is a BIG ONE! We can be our own worst enemies when it comes to dealing with stress. We worry about all the details and focus on parts that might not matter as much as we think. You are doing great!! You are handling your stress as well as you can. That is something to be proud of. You do not have to keep up with those around you and you certainly don’t have to be insta-perfect. Let your life be as simple as it can be and do the things that work for you and your family.

Life is stressful, there are always going to be things that are out of your control. If you take the time to learn how to help yourself deal with stress you will be much better off. 
What is your favourite way to deal with “Stress Overload?”

Do you know a Stressed out Mama?? Share this post! We are all in this together!

Sending Love,
Theresa and Theone.
